It may well be that you have decided to 'exercise a little more' this year and it could also be that not much has come of it. Maybe you once went to the gym, but now you might even have lost your membership card...
Been there. Done that. It's easy to make a decision yourself to do something with sports, but taking the first step, buying some nice accessories and going is a bit more difficult to do. Persevere, that's the point where it gets tricky. Because: it's raining and windy, you're busy with your work, spring fatigue, your sports buddy drops out, your body feels stiff... add more, you'll understand.
But... hang in there, right now!
Yes, right now, because with that harsh and angry weather and all those viruses hanging around, it's smart to be and stay healthy. Moreover, we hope to get some better weather in a while, even if you feel just a little bit fitter, then it's nice. Exercise is also often a great medicine to nip spring depression in the bud. Exercise increases (among other things) the level of dopamine, which significantly improves your mood! Also read pages 24 and 25 in the Happlify your life happiness book .
Move smarter without noticing? You can read that here
How are we going to do that then: keep going?
Are you now a sponsor instead of an athlete at your gym? Need to blow the dust off your yoga mat or running shoes? Do you only wear your sports clothes in the schoolyard? Then Spiffy active has made a very handy poster with 5 tips to keep up with motivation dips . That's handy! Here are a few tips from Spiffy active in short:
- Just start over . That's great, you can and can just start over. Don't feel like a failure, you're only human. Life is busy, chaotic and unforeseen things come your way. Be kind to yourself , remember? Make a nice playlist and go!
- Keep your goal in mind . Movement in itself was probably not your goal, movement is usually a means. Maybe you wanted to lose weight, or get more peace of mind, improve your fitness or overall health. And if you really don't remember, remember that 3 hours a week moderately intensive or 3 x a week 30-60 minutes more intensive exercise leads to a lot of things that you want to achieve anyway. So go buy that dumbbell , order that nice yoga mat, call your sports bff and let's DO this!
- Plan your activity . Write in your daily planner, agenda, or put in your phone that you are going to move, for how long and when. Do that at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. You prefer to link a trigger to it, a mental reminder. When you wake up and see your gym bag packed, you know it's time to exercise and you do it faster than when that gym bag isn't there.
Download the handy poster here: 5 tips to persevere during motivation dips .
Do you want to know more about Happlify Crew member Spiffy active?
Click here . Spiffy active designs and produces sustainable and comfortable sports and yoga clothing from the Netherlands. At Spiffy they understand that you can sometimes feel insecure in the gym, when running, in the yoga room, or at boot camp. That's why sisters Wendy and Mara developed the brand Spiffy Active with the aim of moving with confidence and feeling comfortable in your sportswear (available from size 36 to 52). And you don't have to worry about how you look.
Do you also like to inspire others? Do you want to write or visualize about finding happiness in small, simple or logical things? click here
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